The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities needs to hear from YOU!

Every five years the Council seeks for your ideas to decide what work we will do to improve the lives of those with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families. Your ideas will help guide our work to support people with I/DD to be included and meaningfully participate in all aspects of life. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! The survey is anonymous and is available online in English and Spanish until June 30, 2020. This survey will take about 20 minutes. English survey: or Spanish survey: If you need help with the survey, or would like a paper copy of … Continue reading The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities needs to hear from YOU!

Conversations with the Council WE NEED YOUR VOICE!

Are you an adult with an intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD), or a parent/family member of a person with I/DD? We want to hear from you! The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities wants to hear about your experiences accessing the services and supports you need to live the life you choose. The Council is hosting webinars on the topics of: Abuse, Direct Support Staff, and Leadership and Accessing Technology. Join us! Date: June 19, 2020 Topic: Abuse – We want to learn and hear from you about what information you need to understand signs of abuse, how to report abuse, and how … Continue reading Conversations with the Council WE NEED YOUR VOICE!

ACB Urges Department of Justice to Ensure Right to Private, Independent Vote

For Immediate Release Contact: Claire Stanley, Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, American Council of the Blind (202) 467-5081 Courtney R. Holthus, Advocacy Director, DisAbility Rights Idaho (208) 336-5353, ext. 119 ACB Urges Department of Justice to Ensure Right to Private, Independent Vote “Individuals with disabilities have a right to full participation in voting, including absentee voting,” stated Eric Bridges, executive director of the American Council of the Blind. “Persons with disabilities have fought for decades for their right to vote privately and independently. Now, especially in light of COVID- 19, such persons are fighting for their right to vote … Continue reading ACB Urges Department of Justice to Ensure Right to Private, Independent Vote


Today DisAbility Rights Idaho stands in solidarity with those and the families of those who have lost their lives to systemic racism and white supremacy. DRI’s mission is independence, self-sufficiency, and full membership into communities for people with disabilities. Race, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation/identity and socio-economic status all know disability. DRI values integration and diversity. DRI acknowledges and respects past trauma. DRI works to eliminate cultural and linguistic biases. In order to achieve our mission and vision of independence, self-sufficiency and full membership, minorities including persons of color and disability must feel and be safe in their communities and … Continue reading Solidarity