Thank you for your interest in The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities weekly webinars. Each webinar* is created to answer your questions, and to share information and resources to help you during the COVID-19 crisis.
The first webinar, “Ask Art”, was held last Friday, April 17th.
Art Evans, DD Services Bureau Chief in the Division of Medicaid answered questions from individuals with I/DD receiving services and their family members about services during the COVID-19 crisis.
You can view a recording of the webinar HERE.
CLICK HERE for a summary of the Questions and Answers.
Haga clic aquí en español
*Spanish interpretation is provided for all webinars.
Today’s Webinar
“Managing COVID-19 Stress – Tips for Your Mental Health & Well-Being” – Dr. Ahbilash Desai – Friday, April 24th from 11:00-12:00 (Mountain Time) 10:00-11:00 (Pacific Time).
Dr. Desai who will be sharing information and resources about managing stress during COVID-19, lead a mindfulness meditation and answer questions about coping with stress and anxiety.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkcO2vqj0sEtLF79lZkkRRrVA79OSTTL8U
If you missed today’s webinar, please check our website for the recorded session.
Upcoming Webinars
“Ask Dr. Stumph” – Wednesday, April 29th from 1:00-2:30 (Mountain Time) 12:00-1:30 (Pacific Time) the Council will be hosting Susan Stumph, Ph.D., Developmental Disabilities Program Manager with Family and Community Services, IDHW. Susan will present information about what the department has done to support children and families and make services more flexible. She will also answer questions that families pre-submit.
To submit questions CLICK HERE. You can ask up to three questions. Please submit your questions by 5:00 PM Monday, April 27th.
To register in advance for this meeting CLICK HERE.
“Ask Dr. Silva” – Friday, May 1st from 1:00-2:30 (Mountain Time) 12:00-1:30 (Pacific Time) the Council will be hosting Council member and State Special Education Director, Charlie Silva. Ph.D. Charlie will present information and current resources available and review the State Department of Education website to show people where to find resources. She will also be answering pre-submitted questions from families.
To submit questions CLICK HERE. You can ask up to three questions. Please submit your questions by 5:00 PM Tuesday, April 28th.
To register in advance for this meeting CLICK HERE.